‘Evidence matters’ workshop: register now!

On Tuesday, 7 May 2019, the FNR and Sense about Science are hosting a workshop on the topic ‘How (scientific) evidence should be used in the political decision-making process’, more concretely by Members of the European Parliament. Citizens and researchers who are interested in taking part should register as soon as possible.

How important is it to you, that EU-politicians base their decisions on scientific studies and facts? Moreover, should EU-politicians explain to their voters what evidence they used when they take a decision in Parliament?

In this context, we are looking for participants (citizens as well as researchers) for our workshop.

Date, time and location

Tuesday, 7 May 2019, 13:30 – 16:30 (lunch offered to all participants from 12:00 – 13:30)

Maison du Savoir, Belval

Workshop language: English

How to take part

You don’t need any special prior knowledge to participate. Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

We also offer lunch, from 12:00 until 13:30, so that all the participants can get to know each other before the workshop. If you want to join the lunch, simply add this information to the mail.

If you are interested, please send us an e-mail via info@fnr.lu to register – please specify if you are also taking part in the lunch.

What is the goal of this project?

This workshop brings researchers and civil society together to discuss the role of science and evidence in politics. An overall aim is to create a “draft of expectations” about how the European Parliament should use and scrutinise evidence.

The finished document is intended to serve as a mandate for the MEPs to not only encourage them to use scientific evidence in their decision-making and how this can be done, but also to ensure MEPs communicate how and which evidence they used as a basis for their voting and political decisions.

Who is behind this project?

This project is a collaboration between the FNR and Sense about Science, a campaigning charity that challenges the misrepresentation of science and evidence in public life. The project is an EU pilot – similar workshops are being organised in other EU countries.

A first workshop already took place in January 2019. Click here or below for more information about our last workshop.

Related news

How evidence should be used in the political decision-making process

On Thursday, 31 January, the FNR and Sense about Science hosted a workshop on the topic ‘How (scientific) evidence should be used in the political decision-making process’, more concretely by Members of the European Parliament.

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