European Crucible in Luxembourg

Calling young researcher leaders to explore global opportunities at the interdisciplinary level. Early to mid-career researchers can apply until 18 March 2020 for their chance to participate in this stimulating exchange in Belval!

Ever wondered what a biochemist and a mathematician might have in common, or how a social scientist and a particle physicist could work together? The European Crucible is designed to help you find out just what great minds and creative thinkers can do when they come together!

On 6 and 7 May 2020, the first European Crucible event will take place in Belval, Luxembourg and aims to bring together future research leaders from Scotland and Europe.  The event is hosted by the University of Luxembourg and is organised in collaboration with the successful Scottish Crucible.

See the bigger picture

The event is all about helping researchers to see the bigger picture. It aims to help researchers think differently and send participants back to their work inspired, armed with a greater understanding of how science can benefit society and how thinking creatively can really make a difference to their work and their career.

Over two days, participants will take part in workshops involving guest speakers, seminars, skills sessions, tours and informal discussions on research and innovation topics, with additional engagement with policy-makers and industry.  The goal of all these interactions is to help researchers put their role in a wider context, such as how to best address the social and technical challenges facing society.

Apply now!

Scottish-European Crucible is keen to bring together a broad cross-section of researchers from different disciplines in academia and industry to identify collaborative research opportunities that span disciplines and sectors (life, physical, engineering, computational, mathematical, environmental and social sciences, arts and humanities).

Approximately 50 researchers will be selected to participate. Priority will be given to those who show evidence of being capable of contributing to building an ambitious European-Scotland network across disciplines and organisations. Applicants should be at senior postdoctoral level and above, with experience of leading projects and securing funding, or have relevant industry/research institute experience.

The deadline for European Participants is 10:00 GMT on Wednesday 18 March 2020.

For more information and to apply, please visit the dedicated website of the European Crucible.

“This had a big impact on how I think about interdisciplinary research and has helped to break some of the barriers I had in my mind about the benefits of approaching people from outside my field.” – Dr Chris Henstridge, neuroscientist, Scottish Crucible 2018

“Crucible provided me with an excellent opportunity to share research ideas and ultimately collaborate with academics outside the engineering research community, and has positively influenced my research, teaching and collaborative activities on both a national and international scale.”- Dr Catherine Jones, electrical engineer, Scottish Crucible 2017

A bespoke Crucible event

This ‘Crucible-style’ workshop is sponsored by the Scottish Government via the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), and other research actors to explore the scope and potential for an ambitious expansion of Scottish-European research collaboration through the creation of new interdisciplinary partnerships that address global challenges.

About Scottish Crucible

Scottish Crucible is the premier research leadership and development programme for Scotland’s research leaders of the future. Built on the pillars of collaboration, interdisciplinarity, innovation and leadership, outcomes of the programme include research projects that build interdisciplinary and inter-institutional relationships to address present-day economic, social, health and environmental issues: Scottish Crucible has inspired greater creativity and innovation between highly accomplished and skilled individuals with diverse academic backgrounds and from a broad range of Scottish organisations:

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