EUA-SE joint statement on research assessment

Science Europe and the European University Association (EUA) are joining efforts to improve scholarly research assessment methodologies.

The joint statement that both organisations published this week, demonstrates their commitment to building a strong dialogue between their members, who share the responsibility of developing and implementing more accurate, open, transparent and responsible approaches, that better reflects the evolution of research activity in the digital era.

The two associations also plan to launch future activities to further engage their members in improving and strengthening their research assessment practices.

The Luxembourg National Research Fund fully supports the joint statement. Back it December, the FNR already signed the DORA declaration, which consists of a set of recommendations to improve the assessment of scientific output, and it updated its peers-review guidelines accordingly.

The FNR has always implemented a qualitative assessment of research proposals, where a variety of research outputs are valued. The FNR Strategy and Action Plan 2018-21 explicitly promotes a comprehensive view on Excellence in Research, articulated through six dimensions that span the full range of research outcomes.

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