EU Presidency Conference on the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions on 10-11 December 2015

Under the auspices of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the French astronaut Claudie Haigneré and Swedish futurist Nicklas Bergman will be present in Luxembourg at the Marie Skłodoswka-Curie Actions Conference MSCA 2015, organised by the FNR.

The conference will be held on the 10 and 11 of  December at the Chamber of Commerce and count numerous guests, including the Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research Marc Hansen, MEP Claude Turmes and Luxembourg national Martine Reicherts, the Director General of DG Education and Culture of the European Commission.

This high-level conference will address topics such as career prospects and employability of researchers, equal opportunity and gender, or recruitment strategies as part of the international mobility of researchers.

Synergies to fuel Researchers’ Careers

Entitled ‘Synergies to fuel Researchers’ Careers’, the MSCA Conference 2015 will explore the theme of the co-funding strategy deployed by the European Commission to sustain researchers’ projects with a view to leverage regional or national research funding and thus increase their impact.

Besides the distinguished keynote speakers Claudie Haigneré and Nicklas Bergmann, numerous experts and representatives of national and European organisations supporting future generations of scientists will be present. Over 200 participants from more than thirty countries will take part in the various sessions.

Besides presentations, panel discussions and workshops, the program will offer a ceremony to honour three outstanding Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND Fellows.

The conference is organised by the FNR with the financial support of the European Commission, in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education and Research as well as the Innovation Unit in Education, EIT MSCA of the Directorate-General Education and Culture of the European Commission.

Promoting synergies between European, national, sectoral and regional funding

COFUND is one of the funding instruments of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), the name of the Polish-French scientist and twice Nobel laureate, known for her work on radioactivity.

The conference aims to analyse ways by which the MSCA and in particular the COFUND instrument may be used in future calls of the Horizon 2020 framework programme, to promote synergies between European, national, sectoral and regional funding.

In the framework of the conference and on the occasion of the visit by the European Space Agency representative Claudie Haigneré, a VIP lunch will convene Etienne Schneider, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy; President of the Space cluster & FNR Chairman of Board Yves Elsen; FNR Secretary General Marc Schiltz, as well as heads of companies active in the Luxembourg Space cluster.

More information

For details about the programme, information on the speakers and the conference, visit the dedicated website:

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