Call for the Next Issue of ERCIM News No. 106 (July 2016)

The FNR is pleased to inform that the next Call for Articles to the ERCIM News No. 106 (July 2016) is now open.

ERCIM News 106 sections

  • Joint ERCIM Actions
  • Special Theme: Cybersecurity
  • Research and Innovation
  • Events
  • In Brief

The Special Theme and the Research and Innovation sections contain articles presenting a panorama of European research activities.

The Special Theme focuses on a sector which has been selected by the editors from a short list of currently “hot” topics whereas the Research and Innovation section contains articles describing scientific activities, research results, and technical transfer endeavours in any sector of Information and Communication Science and Technology (ICST), telecommunications or applied mathematics. Submissions to the Special Theme section are subjected to an external review process coordinated by invited guest editors whereas submissions to the Research and Innovation section are checked and approved by the ERCIM News editorial board.

Articles have to be sent to the central editor by Tuesday 17 May 2016.

Special Theme: “Cybersecurity”

Guest editors:

  • Fabio Martinelli (IIT-CNR, Italy)
  • Edgar Weippl (SBA Research, Austria)

Cybersecurity is a term that has become almost ubiquitous over the last 10 years. Definitions vary, and while the ISO 27032:2012 and ITU-T X.1205 focus their definition on cyber space – a space that does not exist in physical form – today the understanding has shifted to include physical assets with the “Internet of Things” becoming a reality and many objects in our physical world becoming interconnected with cyber space.

Not only is “everything networked” but software is required to operate almost all devices. Thus security in the physical world increasingly depends both on network security and software security. Cybersecurity thus pervades several application domains such as Industry 4.0, smart grids, smart infrastructures, intelligent transport systems (including automotive) and eventually robotics.

This special theme of ERCIM News will focus on recent advancements in cybersecurity, with particular attention on the new challenges and benefits from applying new technologies. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following research areas:

  • Authorization and Authentication
  • Cryptography
  • Economic aspects of security
  • Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
  • Availability and Reliability
  • Risk Management
  • Security Models and Methods
  • Security engineering
  • Security Metrics
  • Software Security
  • Security in Cyberphysical systems
  • Trust management
  • Wireless and network security

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