International cooperation: ERACoSysMed Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2019

The FNR is pleased to communicate the opening of the 2019 ERACoSysMed joint transnational Call (JTC-3) for funding multilateral research projects in the domain of Systems Medicine. Deadline for pre-proposals is Friday, 15 March 2019.

The FNR supports multilateral projects as part of its INTER scheme. This will be the third joint transnational Call for Proposals for (JTC-3).

Find out more about this Call on the FNR-ERACoSysMed programme page

About ERACoSysMed

ERACoSysMed is a network of 15 funding organisations from 13 countries.

The central aim of ERACoSysMed is to enhance the implementation of Systems Biology approaches in medical concepts, research and practice throughout Europe and Israel by structuring, coordinating and integrating national efforts and investments.

ERACoSysMed is a five year programme funded under the European Commission ERA-NET Cofund scheme in the H2020 Horizon programme which began in January 2015.

Info session

On Monday, 14 January 2019, the FNR hosted an info session to inform about multilateral Calls in the biomedical domain, supported by the FNR via the INTER programme.

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ERACoSysMed website

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