21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG)

The 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG) will take place from 5 – 9 September 2019. The Call for abstracts is open until 30 April 2019.

The FNR supports this conference via its funding instrument RESCOM.

Date, time and location

Thursday, 5 – Monday, 9 September 2019

Domaine Thermal of Mondorf-Les-Bains

View programme

Confirmed plenary speakers

Prof. Isabelle Thomas (UCLouvain, Belgium). An ECTQG participant for over 30 years, Isabelle will provide us with a long-run reflexion about the progress and challenges raised by European quantitative geographers, especially given the rise of big data and temptation to replace theory building by data crunching: a key debate for today’s geographers.

Prof. Sara Fabrikant (University of Zurich, Switzerland). Sara is a prominent researcher in the field of geovisual analytics, cartography and GIScience. These domains have seen profound changes recently with more computational power and scientists entering the field. In addition, she has strong expertise on virtual environments, a domain that is democratising quickly and changing the way we analyse geographic perception by providing us with fully controlled environments.

Prof. Elsa Arcaute (UCL, United Kingdom). From one of our leading quantitative group in Europe (CASA), Elsa has a background in theoretical physics and undertakes research at the frontier between geography and complex systems science. With graph and percolation approaches, Elsa somehow continues with a strong tradition in geography to use models from physics when building formalised theory and making sense of geographic data.

Prof. Luc Anselin (University of Chicago, USA). A (The) worldwide leader in spatial statistics and econometrics, for over 30 years, Luc has been instrumental in providing statistical tools (GEODA, …) specifically dedicated to geographical observations, that account for spatial biases and dependence. He profoundly changed the way statistics is taught and used by geographers – also in Europe – and is a perfect keynote to set the scene for a specifically spatial approach in social sciences.

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