Dr Marc Schiltz elected to Governing Board of Science Europe

Marc Schiltz, Secretary General of the FNR, has as of 20 November been elected to the Governing Board of Science Europe, an association of European Research Funding Organisations (RFO) and Research Performing Organisations (RPO), based in Brussels.

Marc Schiltz had previously represented the FNR at Science Europe’s Founding General Assembly in Berlin in 2011. Today, Science Europe consists of 50 research and funding organisations based in 27 countries, representing an annual investment of around 30 billion euros in the public research sector. The association’s main objective is to reinforce the collaboration between the national research organisations across Europe.

“As the collective voice of its members, Science Europe provides a vital contribution to the development in Europe of an attractive, dynamic and diversified world-class environment for scientific research and researchers”, said Professor Matlosz, new President of Science Europe.

“Science Europe represents a powerful tool for the promotion of research on a European level: for a small country like Luxembourg it is an outstanding mechanism to make our voice heard.  This selection also reflects the growing visibility of the excellence of Luxembourgish research on the international stage”, Marc Schiltz expressed.

More information

View the complete list of the new Governing Board of Science Europe (external link)

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