Do you have ideas to improve research culture?

As part of a campaign to re-imagine research, the Wellcome Trust is calling on researchers to contribute their ideas to help craft ambitious goals for creating a better research culture.

Thousands of researchers have taken part in the largest ever survey into experiences of research culture. Now we want to hear your solutions to some of the concerns that have been raised. Your ideas will help us craft a set of ambitious goals for creating a better culture.

Check out the ideas that have already been suggested below, comment and vote for the ones you think could make a difference. Or you can add your own idea following this format (you’ll need to create an account to vote and add responses).

Take part

Add your idea: Title of your idea/solution

Enter a short description (optional):

1) A brief description – who can make the change and how?

2) Examples of what you could do to support this change.

3) Stick to under 250 words.

4) If you want, you can tag your institution!

Help us make sure everyone feels safe and free to engage in discussions. Don’t be rude, hateful or insulting–we will not tolerate this. You can respectfully challenge ideas but never attack the person. Check out our forum etiquette and moderation rules.

Find out more about Wellcome’s campaign to reimagine research.

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