DILS 2017: Data Integration in the Life Sciences

The Twelfth International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences 2017 (DILS 2017) will take place in Luxembourg on 14 and 15 November 2017.

The conference aim is to foster discussion, exchange, and innovation in research and development in the areas of data integration, data analytics and knowledge management for the life sciences. Researchers and professionals from biology, environment, medicine, computer science and engineering are invited to share their knowledge and experience.

The conference is supported through the FNR’s RESCOM scheme.

Keynote speakers

Dr Alex Bateman, Head of Protein Sequence Resources at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)

Prof. Robert Stevens, Professor of computer science in the Bio-Health Informatics Group in the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester.

Date time and location

Tuesday 14 November, 09:30 – 17:00 / 19:30

Wednesday 15 November 2017, 09:10 – 12:00

View programme

Hotel Parc Belle-Vue, 5, avenue Marie-Thérèse, L-2132 Luxembourg


Please register via the DILS 2017 website

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