Coronavirus: FNR staff in home office

Due to the precautions associated with the spread of the coronavirus and the closure of schools and the University, please note that the vast majority of FNR staff will be working from home from 16 – 27 March. Please contact FNR staff via email during this time. Thank you for your understanding.

Coronavirus: Guidance for FNR grant holders and applicants

Dear Researchers,

I understand that the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting much of your work and many of your activities. As many of you have to switch to new ways of working and interacting, the FNR wishes to offer flexibility in the handling of grants and grant proposals. We have therefore decided to postpone the deadline for the submission of annual reports (in all programmes) by 6 weeks, to 15 May 2020. We have also decided to postpone the deadline for submission of proposals in the running calls (CORE, OPEN, BRIDGES, Industrial Fellowships) to 4 May 2020.

As already communicated last week, if a running FNR-funded project is being delayed because key parts (fieldwork, surveys, testing campaigns, workshops etc.) are being postponed or cancelled, the relevant FNR programme manager should be contacted to discuss a possible extension of the grant duration.

Grant holders of the programmes RESCOM, INTER Mobility and PSP may postpone their conferences / events / research stays for up to one year.

Events in Luxembourg that are/were planned within an FNR-funded project (e.g. end of project colloquia), that cannot take place due to the COVID-19 situation, may be postponed for up to one year (even if outside the official project period).

For any INTER Calls where the FNR is not lead agency, the FNR will follow any decision made by the lead agencies. The FWO has postponed the deadline for its bilateral Call with the FNR from 1 April to 14 April 2020, 10:00 CET.

Please also note that FNR Staff is in Home Office from 16-27 March (and possibly beyond, depending on future guidelines given by the national authorities). The preferred way to contact FNR Staff during this time is by e-mail.

We will closely monitor the situation and review our guidelines in view of future developments. The health of wellbeing of all must take precedence over everything else.

With my best regards.

Marc Schiltz


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