Call for Participation: Leadership & Communication Course Pilot 2016

The FNR, with the support of the University of Luxembourg, is pleased to announce the second series of its pilot training course for PhD and postdoc candidates on leadership and communication. Deadline to apply is Thursday, 1 September.

The course is modeled along an MBA type module and the organisers seek to identify talented doctoral or postdoctoral candidates to participate in this pilot.

Who can apply?

PhD candidates and early postdocs who undertake their research in Luxembourg are eligible to apply – whether they continue working in research or developing an alternative career.

When and where is it?

The course will be held on 6 Saturdays between 24 September and 19 November (9:00 – 16:00) at the University of Luxembourg, Belval Campus.

How to apply

Applications must be sent via email to by Thursday, 1 September 2016 at the very latest.

Documents to be included:

  • your detailed CV (3 pages max)
  • a description of your current activity (maximum 200 words)
  • an essay (350 – 500 words) stating your motivation and learning objectives to pursue such a course.

More information

This contains detailed information about the application format as well as the course schedule and content, as well as some feedback from participants of the first pilot course.

What participants of the first pilot said about this course

“Very insightful and practical course; enhanced my knowledge as well as political and collaborative skills. We learnt how to keep motivating people to lend you freely their support, time and resources – without having authority over them. The course is very relevant and applicable to the contemporary society. Well done!” – Urszula Czuba

“Full of methods to apply in daily professional life. The best course I’ve done during the PhD.” Marina Verruno

“The course gave me an insight that leaders are made not born and everyone can become one if the person knows how to deal with relationships between him/her and the team.” – Egle Danileviciute

“This course allowed me to raise awareness of the complex inter-personal relations within an institution and highlighted the possible ways to improve your influence on the others.” – Gabriele Di Pietro

“I learned that the best you can do as a leader is to provide the environment for others in such a way that they can grow and develop on their own instead of taking decisions for them.”  Wibke Cramaro

“Many of the principles of good leadership can be applied in the day-to-day life even outside a position of power, in order to improve interpersonal relationships and achieve personal goals, to mention a few: motivation theory, coaching and giving good feedback.”  Tobias Bertram

“Good course which helps to better understand the way people react and behave in a team.” – Pit Ullman

 A leader should create an environment which allows his followers to grow.”  Alex Gansen

“A good understanding what people expect from a leader and how a leader should care about his/her people.” – Edder Rabadan Santana

“In order to be a good leader, you need followers.” – Stijn Lamberigts

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