8th European Conference on Injury prevention and safety promotion

The 8th European Conference on Injury prevention and safety promotion (‘EU safety’) will take place on 3 and 4 October 2019. Organised by in collaboration with the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), this conference builds on the series of European Injury Prevention Conferences successfully organised over the past decades by EuroSafe and the success of the World Safety-Conferences attended by a large European contingent.

Through the series of European Conferences on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion EuroSafe wants to promote:

•  Better sharing of resources: To organise the exchange of injury data and successful practices in prevention and to develop partnerships for joint projects across sectors.
•  Better policies: To raise political awareness as to the impact of injuries and to mainstream the injury prevention in a coherent manner across European policy agenda’s and programmes.
•  Focused actions on injury prevention priorities in Europe: To establish purpose driven networks to ensure on-going development, implementation and evaluation of efforts in view of making Europe a safer place.

The conference covers a wide range of topics related to injury prevention and safety promotion, such as road safety, safety at work, home and leisure safety and consumer safety.

The conference also provides ample opportunities for cross-cutting communications between sectors and disciplines to address issues such as: translating research into practice and policy; injury related socio-economic inequities; ageing societies; technological developments; social marketing; alcohol, fatigue and distraction.

The series of EuroSafe bi-annual conferences take place in the EU/EEA region and is hosted in rotation by EuroSafe members.

Dates, time & location

Thursday, 3 and Friday, 4 October 2019

Abbey Neumünster, Luxembourg City

Registration & programme

This conference is supported by the FNR’s RESCOM programme.

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