5th International Systems Biomedicine Symposium – Systems neuroscience: bridging the scales of the brain

The 5th International Systems Biomedicine Symposium will take place on Tuesday, 5 and Wednesday, 6 November 2019 in Belval, Luxembourg. The theme is “Systems Neuroscience: bridging the scales of the brain”. The conference will bring together world-wide leading experts in neuroscience in an interdisciplinary framework to address the huge complexity of the human brain and to demonstrate how systematic approaches can be used to reveal disease mechanisms.

The emphasis of the conference will be on the integration of the different biological scales ranging from molecules to cells, neuronal circuits and the whole brain to generate mechanistic insights of the emergent dynamics of the brain and its association to diverse neuropathologies. For this purpose, the conference will cover cutting-edge approaches from genetics, electrophysiology, single cell biology, omics technologies, neuroimaging and corresponding data analysis methods including high throughput and deep learning methods.

Keynote speaker for the 5 November is Moritz Helmstaedter, Department leader Connectomics and Director Max Planck Institute for Brain Research Frankfurt.

Dates, time & location

Tuesday, 5 to Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Maison du Savoir
Room 3.500
2, Avenue de l’Université
4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

Registration & programme

This conference is supported by the FNR’s RESCOM programme.

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