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FNR Annual

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2019 Main Figures

Main Figures background
  • 0

    Projects funded

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    MEUR new committed

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    NEW core projects

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    realised expertises

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    New Industrial Fellowship & BRIDGES Grants

  • 0

    international bilateral cooperation agreements running in 12 countries worldwide in 2019

  • 0

    New PSP - Promoting Science to the Public Projects

  • 0

    running projects (*31.12.2019)

  • 0

    MEUR committed to international projects

01 Main Figures

2019 Statistics

Statistics Background
  • 01

    Projects funded in 2019 (by domain)

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    "BM: Biomedical Sciences/Regulation of Chronic, Degenerative and Infectious Diseases"; "IS: Innovation in Services"; "SC: Societal Challenges (LM+ID)"; "MS: New Functional and Intelligent Materials and Surfaces and New Sensing Applications"; "SR: Sustainable Resource Management in Luxembourg"
  • 02

    FNR Committed 2019 (by domain)

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    Scheme Acronym Project title Host institution Fnr contrib.
    Scheme Acronym Project title Host institution Fnr contrib.
    "BM: Biomedical Sciences/Regulation of Chronic, Degenerative and Infectious Diseases"; "IS: Innovation in Services"; "SC: Societal Challenges (LM+ID)"; "MS: New Functional and Intelligent Materials and Surfaces and New Sensing Applications"; "SR: Sustainable Resource Management in Luxembourg"
  • 03

    General amounts financed

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    Scheme Acronym Project title Host institution Fnr contrib.
    Scheme Acronym Project title Host institution Fnr contrib.
    "BM: Biomedical Sciences/Regulation of Chronic, Degenerative and Infectious Diseases"; "IS: Innovation in Services"; "SC: Societal Challenges (LM+ID)"; "MS: New Functional and Intelligent Materials and Surfaces and New Sensing Applications"; "SR: Sustainable Resource Management in Luxembourg"
02 Statistics

International Relations

The FNR’s International Relation policy aligns with its mission to set up a sustainable world-class research system in Luxembourg and to increase its international visibility and recognition. A first pillar comprises funding possibilities for excellent joint research projects encouraging Luxembourg-based researchers to connect with their best peers abroad. The second pillar is FNR’s active participation in several international associations, for defining international quality standards in research funding as well as best practices in research.

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Success Stories

Dive beyond the facts and figures and discover features about some of the innovative and inspiring research and outreach projects supported by the FNR.

Success Stories Background
  • 01


    Thin films from plasma

    Thin-film technology is used in many different applications. A Luxembourg research team has now developed a method for functionalising surfaces using plasma instead of liquids.

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    Patrick Choquet
  • 02


    Greenox inter pares

    “The Natural State” is the official nickname of the state of Arkansas in the South Central United States. Fittingly, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the University of Arkansas have been collaborating since 2015 to make improvements to the “natural state” of various electronic components. An INTER Mobility project is involved.

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    Jorge Íñiguez
  • 03


    Understanding worldwide socio-economic inequalities makes our society stronger

    Much like a physician, Prof. Louis Chauvel from the University of Luxembourg identifies and compares symptoms, signs and co-morbidities of societies around the world using quantitative models. While sociological studies typically consider a limited number of factors, Chauvel has the ambition of creating a global picture of the dynamics spanning generations.

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    Louis Chauvel
  • 04

    NCER-PD: Excellent results rewarded with a second funding period

    Over the past two decades, Luxembourg has developed into an internationally recognised hub for science. An important driving force behind this development is Parkinson’s research. The Grand Duchy is now one of the leading locations for this field of research. This can be attributed in part to the FNR-sponsored project NCER-PD, the National Centre for Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease. NCER-PD is so successful that, in 2019, the FNR gave the green light and six million euros for the second funding period.

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    Rejko Krueger
  • 05


    Gender stereotypes and how they are questioned in a playful and scientifically sound way with the help of a board game

    If you want to reduce gender stereotypes in society, you must first make people aware of them. LISER researcher Carole Blond-Hanten has visited children’s and youth institutions to do this. In her luggage: a nine square metre board game.

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    Carole Blond-Hanten
  • 06


    It is not only money that is distributed unequally

    PEARL grantee Conchita D’Ambrosio has developed new methods to paint a detailed picture of social inequality.

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    Conchita D’Ambrosio
04 Success Stories
FNRLU Background



In addition to being a one-stop shop for all information about the FNR’s activities and funding instruments, the FNR website since the 2016 re-launch also boasts a dedicated section for videos and success stories – Research with Impact: FNR Highlights. Over 150 features, interviews and stories have been published, 55 in 2019 alone. Reaching across scientific domains, nationalities and institutions, from junior to senior researchers, the FNR highlights offer glimpses into Luxembourg’s research and the scientists behind it.

In addition to being a one-stop shop for all information about the FNR’s activities and funding instruments, the FNR website since the 2016 re-launch also boasts a dedicated section for videos and success stories – Research with Impact: FNR

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The house of frankensteinThe House of frankenstein

FNR 20 years special evening

On Friday, 29 November2019, on the occasion of the 20 year existence of the FNR, the FNR organised an off-beat event – The House of Frankenstein – where citizens and scientists came together to immerse themselves in some of the biggest controversial science topics facing society, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), genome editing, gender balance and the use of space resources. Join us on a journey as were visit the evening.

06 The house of Frankenstein

FNR Awards 2019

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FNR Awards Background
  • University of Luxembourg

    Riccardo Rao

    FNR Award for “Outstanding PhD Thesis”

    “Conservation Laws in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics: Stochastic Processes, Chemical Reaction Networks, and Information Processing.”

  • LCSB, University of Luxembourg

    Linda Wampach

    FNR Award for “Outstanding PhD Thesis”

    “Colonization and succession of the human gastrointestinal microbiome in neonates and infants at high risk of metabolic disease in adulthood.”

  • LCSB, University of Luxembourg

    Antonio Del Sol Mesa & Satoshi Okawa

    FNR Award for “Outstanding Scientific Publication”

    “Transcriptional synergy as an emergent property defining cell subpopulation identity enables population shift.”

  • SnT, University of Luxembourg

    Eva Lagunas; Shree Krishna Sharma; Sina Maleki, Symeon Chatzinotas; Björn Ottersten

    FNR Award for “Outstanding Scientific Publication”

    “Ressource Allocation for Cognitive Satellite Communications With Incumbent Terrestrial Networks.”

  • Fondation Jeunes Scientifiques Luxembourg

    Carlo Hansen; Natalia Slioutova; Sousana Eang

    FNR Award for « Outstanding Promotion of Science to the Public”
for the national young scientist contest 'Jonk Fuerscher'

  • Luxembourg Institute of Health & Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg

    Juliette Pertuy; Laura Star; Noémie Guérisse; Malou Fraiture; Joanna Muz; Arnaud D’Agostini; Federica Amato

    FNR Award for « Outstanding Promotion of Science to the Public”
or the activity 'Science Quest' Background



On you can find news about research in Luxembourg, DIY experiments, articles about scientific phenomena, scientific events and teaching material for primary school teachers!

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Opinion Background


  • More support needed for women (to pursue a career) in science
    0:00 / 0:00
    This year, the FNR celebrates 20 years. Over these two decades, Luxembourg research has developed in an impressive way: From almost non-existent, Luxembourg is now on the research world map. In his opinion piece, FNR Secretary General introduces a few researchers in Luxembourg.
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  • The impact of the new EU Copyright Directive on research
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    The Copyright Directive passed by the EU Parliament in March 2019 was shrouded in controversy and was cause for much dispute. In an opinion piece, FNR Secretary General Marc Schiltz explains what impact the new directive has on research.
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  • Access to scientific publications for everyone
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    Results of public research should be accessible to everyone, but the reality is different: Publishers lock scientific publications behind paywalls and make huge profits in doing so. In his capacity as President of Science Europe, FNR Secretary General Marc Schiltz and is at the head of an initiative that wants to abolish the paywalls.
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Videos Background
10 Videos

FNR Selection Process

Through a rigorous selection process, the FNR aims to fund the most excellent and promising research. FNR’s selection process is therefore based on scientific merit and applies the highest standards of transparency, impartiality and integrity. So how can researchers apply for FNR funding and how are their proposals evaluated?

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