2017 Main figures


MEUR new commited


Funded projects


International bilateral cooperation agreements


New CORE projects


Early career grants

2017 Statistics

Projects funded in 2017 (by domain)

FNR committed 2017 (by domain)

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Scheme Acronym Project title Host institution Fnr contrib.
Scheme Acronym Project title Host institution Fnr contrib.

International relations

The FNR’s International Relations policy aligns with its mission to set up a sustainable world-class research system in Luxembourg and to increase its international visibility and recognition.


FNR open access policy and funding instrument


What is Open Access

Scientific publications of research results can be accessed, read or re-used for free by any person with access to the Internet, the only restriction being that the work is properly attributed to its author.

FNR Open Access policy

Researchers who have a positive funding decision from the FNR after 1 January 2017 must ensure open access to peer-reviewed scientific publications resulting from projects with the FNR (co)funding.

Why Open Access?

Good for researchers

More efficient and effective use of research results.

Good for science

Increases the visibility of the researchers and their research institutions.

Good for the economy

Maximises the potential for innovation.

Good for society

Bigger return on investment of public money.

Pairing scheme

Click the dates to view the details

Success stories

Prof Dirk Andreas Zetzche

ADA Chair in Financial Law & Inclusive Finance at the University of Luxembourg

inter mobility

A New Law for FinTECHs? – How to regulate financial innovation

Prof Dirk Andreas Zetzsche from the University of Luxembourg spent three months in Sydney analysing different solutions. Mobile payment solutions, crypto currencies, peer-to-peer-lending, distributed ledgers – these are only a few of the recent digital and technological innovations in the financial sector, referred to as FinTech.


Prof Dr Jens Kreisel

Director of the Materials Research and Technology department of LIST


Transforming energy is key

Materials scientist Jens Kreisel and his FNR-PEARL group provide the basis for developing “smart” materials that could revolutionise many technologies.

For him, everything revolves around “smart materials”. His most fondly used technical term is “multiferroic”. In essence, some materials are so smart – or intelligent – that they can tune a certain property when another property is actively modified by an external stimulus. These smart materials can transform energy.


Dr Philippe Delfosse

Senior scientist at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)


The cherry on the dungheap

Scientist Philippe Delfosse produces energy and fertilizer, reducing waste by perfect recycling.

Strictly speaking, Delfosse doesn’t produce electricity himself – he has others produce it for him. Toiling endlessly under gruelling conditions is his workforce of bacteria. Dr. Philippe Delfosse, is a biogas plant expert. He would say his goal is to turn waste into gold. And there does seem to be a touch of alchemy in the systems Delfosse is researching and optimising.


Prof Dr Ines Thiele



The human metabolism as a computer model

FNR ATTRACT Fellow Prof Dr Ines Thiele works on creating a virtual representation of the human metabolism. The aim is simple, yet wide: Understanding what role our gut and diet play in the development of diseases, but also how this knowledge can be leveraged to improve health and well-being.


Caroline Heintz

Human biologist at Harvard School of Public Health


Biology of Ageing: A small protein with big potential

Both a curse and a blessing: on the one hand, it is thanks to research and medicine that people are living for longer. On the other hand, with rising life expectancy, the risk of age-related diseases such as cancer, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases and dementia also increases. Understanding the ageing process and its molecular causes plays a key role in the prevention and treatment of such diseases. With her study of processes in RNA, biologist Caroline Heintz has contributed a valuable building block to our understanding of the ageing process.


Opinion Pieces

E klore Kader fir d'Chercheurs-cliniciens

Source: rtl.lu

Virun zwou Woche gouf ugekënnegt, datt d'Medezin-Ausbildung zu Lëtzebuerg ausgebaut gëtt an och Spezialisatioune spéider ugebuede ginn. Wat elo nach feelt, ass en nohaltege Kader, fir d'Bréck tëscht der medezinescher Fuerschung an der applizéierter Medezin ze schloen. Dës Bréck wieren d'Chercheurs-cliniciens, wei de Marc Schiltz, Generalsekretär vum Fonds National de la Recherche, a senger Carte blanche erkläert.

D‘Wëssenschaft als Bréckebauer

Source: rtl.lu

D’Wëssenschaft an d’Fuerschung sinn zënter jeehier schonn ëmmer international gewiescht. Wei se och agesat kënne ginn, fir Brécken tëscht Léit a Länner ze bauen, dat erkläert ons haut den Marc Schiltz vum Fonds National de la Recherche.

"Wat ass Wourecht?"

Source: rtl.lu

An Zäite vu Post-Wourecht schénge wëssenschaftlech Fakten net méi vill ze zielen an Theme ginn oft nach just wei Glawensfroen behandelt. De Marc Schiltz erkläert an senger Carte Blanche firwat mer wëssenschaftleche Fakten weiderhi Vertraue schenken kënnen.

Gläichstellung vun de Geschlechter an der Fuerschung

Source: rtl.lu

Wat kann ee maachen, fir d'Zuel vun de Meedercher a Frae bei Beruffer an den Sciencen, Technologien, am Ingenieurat an an der Mathematik ze hiewen? Dëser Fro geet de Marc Schiltz, Generalsekretär vum Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR), haut an senger Carte blanche no.


Psp Flagship

PSP Flagship

The Promoting Science to the Public (PSP)-Flagship scheme supports large, multiannual projects that aim to have a lasting impact on Luxembourg’s society. In 2016, the FNR introduced PSP-Flagship as a new branch of its Promoting Science to the Public funding instrument.


The SciTeach supports primary school teachers in Luxembourg in their natural sciences education, a topic currently often neglected in classrooms due to a lack of training and resources among teachers.

PSP Flagship

The Scienteens Lab at the University of Luxembourg is an extracurricular learning centre for high school pupils. Here, they can meet real scientists and use University equipment during interactive 1-day laboratory workshops in biology, physics and mathematics.

PSP Flagship

The goal of Bee Creative is to use non-formal education and ‘makerspaces’ to promote a creative and scientific use of ICT-tools and thereby develop digital and scientific skills among children aged 6 to 12.

PSP Flagship

Located at the former industrial school of ArcelorMittal in Differdange, Luxembourg Science Center’s mission is to fascinate visitors for natural sciences and technology in a playful manner. A broad range of hands-on exhibits, spectacular science shows and interactive workshops, designed to encourage children, teenagers but also adults to experience natural phenomena themselves instead of just observing them.

FNR Selection process

Through a rigorous selection process, the FNR aims to fund the most excellent and promising research. FNR’s selection process is therefore based on scientific merit and applies the highest standards of transparency, impartiality and integrity.
So how can researchers apply for FNR funding and how are their proposals evaluated?